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In my previous blog, I discussed how both men and women can boost their natural testosterone production by simply acting in an assertive and confident manner. But why, you might ask, would women ever want to boost their testosterone? After all, isn’t it the hormone responsible for masculinity in men?
While it is true that men naturally produce more testosterone in their bodies than women, the hormone is equally important for both genders. Men produce most of their testosterone in their testicles, while women mainly derive the hormone from their ovaries. Both genders, however, are not immune to Low-T, a medical condition in which the body cannot produce enough testosterone to support its normal functioning.
Women suffering from Low-T often experience a number of serious health complications, including weight gain, hair loss, chronic exhaustion, depressed mood, lack of sexual desire and even cardiovascular disease. Research shows that returning female testosterone back to normal levels can successfully reverse many of those symptoms, while also increasing fertility and improving memory and cognitive function.
If you think you may be suffering from Low-T-related symptoms, schedule an appointment with a qualified endocrinologist and have your hormones measured. Many different treatments are currently available that can get you back on track within a couple of months. Make sure to always discuss these options with your doctor and never try to self-medicate, as it can have serious negative effects on your health.