Stay Away from Shoddy Erectile Dysfunction Supplements

By Brad Palubicki For more information and advice on men’s health, visit Follow me on Twitter (@Brad_Palubicki) and Google+. Today, I would like to talk about an emerging issue of over-the-counter supplements promising to boost men’s sexual performance or even […]

Three Easy Tips for Better Sexual Health

by Brad Palubicki We all want to live long and healthy lives and most of us, I believe, sincerely try to lead a healthy lifestyle. We are often reminded by the media of things we should do in order to […]

There is No Shame in Being Healthy

By Brad Palubicki We all want to be the best person we can be and lead long and active lives for as long as possible. As men age, there is little they dread more than losing the ability to perform […]

The Revolutionary Role of Cellphones in Healthcare

By Brad Palubicki Cellphones have become absolutely ubiquitous in our everyday lives. In just a couple decades, they have completely transformed the way we communicate with each other, receive information and do business. Now, cellphones are set to revolutionize yet […]